Thursday, June 27, 2019


After Priscilla's lovely wedding and have two helpings of her guava wedding cake..I was craving guava baked goods since then.  I saw that Portos has frozen baked goods that I can just pop in my oven...AND EAT!


I will definitely make sure Alex let's me get the Breville Toaster Oven (hopefully the airfryer one, bc...I really really just want one). 

the toaster oven is definitely not a little's over $300.



I'm in Los Angeles.  Sun is great. Food is great. Friends are great. I miss PKPC...

Can't believe residency is finally over.
Onto fellowship...

Here begins my fast from social media (likely to be temporary, but let's see what more I can do aside from wasting my youth on my phone)!
Hoping to read more, watch more thoughtful movies, draw more, write more, cook/bake more, a more loving and understanding person.  Be more grateful. Be more happy--more joyful, actually.

Here we go!

When I’m in writing mode for a novel, I get up at 4 am and work five to six hours. In the afternoon, I run for 10 km or swim 1500 m, or do b...