Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hometel meal of 12/17

Breakfast:  I inhaled a french toast, mango juice, and a hachiya fruit.  There were more but I had to run!
Dinner: the guy in the import export food market business gave the lady of the house a box of red japanese baby octopuses with dressing called: chuka idako.  It was sweet and perfect texture!!  I think I ate at least 8 of them.  Kimchi stew, white rice, bean sprouts, and more kimchi.  Dinner is seriously my favorite time of day.

Monday, December 8, 2014

By the way

I took boards AND I went back to school.  I'm just gonna keep going~~~~ :)

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Right now I live in a Hometel in Korea-town--and I love it so far.  It's like a hotel, but family-like, homey--thus hometel.  TADA!  I'm so good at explaining and describing things.

It is a three story brick home by Normandie and 4th that is run by a pastor's wife.  From Monday through Saturday, they provide breakfast and dinner, and it changes every day and it's ALWAYS FREAKING DELICIOUS.  Once we had crabs and pork belly wraps...I am currently salivating thinking about them.  You are responsible for lunch (either eat outside or make your food inside the small communal kitchen).  My mom specially requested the lady to provide me lunch as well, so each day she does it is $6.  I am thankful because I hate eating out and feel uncomfortable using other people's kitchens--always need to be careful not to mess up or break things :/  Whenever I forget to bring lunch box back to the lady, the quality of lunch gets poor the following day.  So now I have an alarm on my phone for it at 4:45 PM to bring lunch box home with me.

There are about 20-30 people who live in this place and a majority are Koreans in the US temporarily.  Every business is different.  For example, one lady is here to give birth to her child in the states, another man wants to start a Korean import export business, another man is teaching people Korean while trying to learn English himself, another couple are super old and just chillin in the warmer weathers, few are young university Korean students, and one white man that...well, I have no idea of what he is doing here.

I'd like to say that I live in a Harry Potty-esque room.  It's under the stairs and it just fits me, a desk, a "closet" with a mini fridge in it, a drawer, a full sized bed, a bathroom with a toilet, shower stall and a sink.  There is a point in the room where if you take one step and you are at your destination.  I have a window, but receive no sunlight.  How?  The window faces the hallway.  For a person who gets the winter blues and loves sunlight, I am surprisingly doing very well.

I pay $1200 for it (includes food, wifi, utilities).  They also clean the bathroom every 1.5 weeks for you and replenish toilet paper, trash bags.  Laundry is the only extra thing I have to pay for which is $3.00 for wash and dry.  Which is not bad compared to me renting a place some place else in or around Ktown, I went through the general mental calculations.
$700 for rent (if you are going to share with a roommate)
$100 for parking (yes, many places charge extra for parking)
$50 for wifi and utilities
$300 for groceries
$50 for cleaning supplies and kleenex or whatever
total: ~$1200
UH THIS SOUNDS LIKE A HUMONGO BARGAIN TO ME!  Plus the lady who runs this place is so sweet and observing the different types of people here is so much fun.  Furthermore, I can leave whenever I want (no contracts of staying 3 months or subletting the remainder of the time).  But I love this place, so no need to think about that EVER!

The walls are thin, so I can hear conversations of the new neighbors (they are leaving tomorrow *hurrah!!*).  Yesterday was the first time I asked them to quiet down (but they didnt so I banged on the wall three times and then they finally did...Gosh yesterday I was totally PMSing).

I'll draw pictures of the poeple that I live with, and describe what they do and what they are like hehe.  I never see them through the halls.  I only meet them when we eat, and that is the most exciting part of the day.  The conversation is always different, especially when the old man in the track suit jacket is there.  He asks hella questions.

Usually I use this blog to release stress/ many of my recent entries may have been negative.  However, the good news is, I have been healing from my CRVO :)

On November 9th, I had news from my favorite ophthalmologist in Irvine.  The floaters I see will be permanent because any injection in the vitreous will cause syneresis faster, thus the collagen clumping will be seen and not disappear.  As for the flashes, that will disappear.  She says, again, due to the syneresis the vitreous will tug on the retina, then stabilize.  Looking at the fundus, there are little hemes, distinct margins on my optic nerve, and no tortuosity--she said it nearly looks identical to the other eye.  How could this be?!  All the reitnal specialists said that the veins would be permanently dilated and tortuous due to history of CRVO; however, how am I to be completely cured from this?  I just wanted to see 20/20 and not have any visual field defects, but I was given the grace to be completely healed...

My mom never comes into the room with me when I see my doctors because I know she gets easily freaked out and panicked when there are terminologies she does not understand.  But this time I had her come in with me because I had a good feeling about it--I was seeing very well with no color defects.  She was very happy and kept saying thank you thank you thank you, thank God thank God thank God.  As soon as we left and got into the car, my mom started crying.  Strange how I wasn't crying, but my mom was.  She was behind the wheel and kept saying, "Let me cry, I am happy." I was about to cry, but I held it in because I think if I cried too, it would only make her cry harder.  I told called my dad and told him the good news.  I was and will always be thankful for their moral and financial support.

This whole experience made me rethink and realize how everything was so perfectly placed...How incredibly perfect God's plan is.  "He makes all things beautiful in His time."

I remember at the start of my second year of optometry school, I wanted to quit.  Everything seemed irrelevant--thus a waste of money, time, and youth.  I was about to apply to dental school, but I was given a mentee who was at least 10 years older than me and was a former dentist.  She quit her life as a dentist due to short shelf-life, and decided to become an eye doctor.  How in the world did this happen?  At that exact moment of my moments of deep doubts?

I am so thankful that God had my father change jobs from Korea to the California after my second year.  I remember my dad telling me how he was humbled by working at a job that was not as high of a position as his job in Korea--where he was respected everywhere and regarded very highly.  But I thank God that my dad came to California, back to our old home (!!) and had a humbling mindset.  What would I have done without my family in California during the past year?

During third year, I became more apathetic and unmotivated to learn beyond the basics of being an eye doctor.  I thought God had sent me to this profession because it would allow me to balance my hobbies, family life and job easily.  However, NOW I think he sent me here to be there for the patients, especially those with diseases, because I know what it feels like to fear loss of vision, have deep uncertainty and undergo multiple procedures.  This also triggered me to understand diseases at a deeper level and understand the high value of reading up-to-date studies and continuing education.

I have noticed change in my own heart as work ethic has greatly changed.  I am more punctual, disciplined (staying the whole time instead of trying to dash out early), and accepting of difficult staff doctors instead of firing back (well, not really firing, but I used to think that I could control all situations and deny certain staff doctors.  Now I am trying to see it as something that will benefit me and not think that I am constantly a victim).

I FEEL what it means to be a doctor.  Before I generically "knew," but now I think I've figured it out.  I don't want to confidently and loudly say it because it's almost like a precious whisper...
It's not just something to make a living off of and maintain a balanced life.  It is what Jesus has been doing all his life.  It is the tiniest microscopic glimmer of His reflection--this immense opportunity to instill hope through the talent of physical healing.  It's like DUH what took you so long?  It's because I was so immature and foolish.  I just wanted to be comfortable in the future and go along my own plans.

I do wonder what my attitude would be like if I were not healed.  Would I still be thinking that God's plan is perfect?  I know I would think it was still His plan.  I would not quickly consider it as perfection in my own eyes.  I am confident that my human faith would be struggling deeply and consider God's plan as cruel.   I is exponentially easier to say this because I am better now, but if anything were to happen in the future, I hope I can remember that Jesus does test--to train, to build trust, or else we default in trusting ourselves.  I hope that when I feel like I do not have enough like "If only I could have better health...", I should still offer ALL that is remaining to God despite anger, sadness, and bitterness.  He was able to feed 12,000 people with all that a boy had to offer: 5 loaves and 2 fishes.  It takes faith, but he can and will still do work with you, and perform great things through your offering.  "My God meets your needs." Philippians 4.

There are so many things I am grateful for.  Even when I feel like I am lacking things, I always try to remind myself how I am thankful that I did not have to wait an entire year to be healed. I am thankful for being in the optometry field.  I am thankful that I could go back to work and graduate with my friends I have been with for the past 3.5 years.  I am thankful that my own optometrist discovered my CRVO and referred me promptly to the appropriate doctors--it reaffirmed the importance of optometrists and knowing resources.  I am thankful for my professors who have been checking up on me and trying to help me by finding out a diagnosis/treatment.  I am thankful for my friends who have been offering to drive me to appointments, sharing their own stories of dealing with their health that hardly anyone knows about, and just asking me how I am doing, that they are thinking of me.  I am thankful for Caleb who stood by me and listened to me so calmly whenever I was terribly down, which was very very often.  I am thankful that I am not only healing, but healing to a point where it seems like nothing happened.  I am thankful for my family and the financial blessings, for I know it can be taken away as easily it is given.   I am thankful for God's perfect plan.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Walking home

Earbuds snug
Black winter tights
My favorite and first coat
5 dollar mittens
Little pastry purchases from the department store
Breathing behind the tall scarf
makes my nose and mouth all wet...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Random thoughts...

I think we forget that mothers need mothers.  I am sure at some point, a parent no longer wants to be a parent.  That they just want to be cared for like a child.  I know my mom talks to her sisters and her own mother.

I wonder how my dad is able to keep calm and handle everything.  Who does he talk release stress?  I'm sure he prays about it...but it makes me amazed at his strength.  He hasn't had a father since he was 20.  How did he know to how become this wonderful and strong?

How do you go about that?

Decisions and Options

Because of the flashes and stomach pain I have been experiencing, I have come to these two options

1.  Do not take any boards, but I finish clinic rotations (August), not think too much about health problems, and have a more balanced life, as well as going to my regular doctors appointments.  I prefer this because I can graduate with my friends and get the annoying part over.

2.  Do not do clinic rotations, but finish boards and intern at an office.  This is a good choice as well because it is less stressful in a way that I don't have to look for housing, make up days I miss for doctor's appointments, be more confident with my knowledge before clinic, and walk down graduation as "Doctor."

Either way, I probably wont get my licence until next year winter. is strange.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New favorite movies

1. Painted Veil -  Simple story...but I loved it.  The setting, and characters...everything.  Edward Norton was a quiet and hard working doctor/bacteriologist who went to treat and keep the cholera epidemic under control in a foreign country, whereas Naomi Watts was a beautiful, fun and naive woman who just accepted Norton's marriage proposal to get far away from her mother.  I just love Norton's character <3 <3  I remember watching this in an airplane many years ago and still feel the same :)

2. About Time - this movie left a huge impression on me.  I loved it so much that I bought it on BluRay with 2 day shipping so my dad could watch it too, and I watch it over and over again like I do with all the movies I love.  You just have to watch it...the story is beautiful and fantastic.  I cannot express it in words...the writer is a genius.  Even with the ability to go back in time to fix things....the mistakes and details of life...the choices you have to make...when to let go so that the future can thrive as well...


Dream on.

Outside my window, thousands of invisible spiders glisten

In this sleeping city, they're weaving an ash gray web
Sinking like a sign on my desk, a pile of notes
I stoop my back and the pencil's lead drawing an underline
It may be so, when I grasp my already scattered dream,
I'll be fooled, wouldn't it be that, I've lived this far,
My empty hand full of fantasies, I've let go of the world?
Dramatic thoughts, now that I look at it,
Thoughts that I've scribbled in my notebook's blank pages
Thoughts like my dream, are they breathing inside me?
The more I go on, unbecoming of myself,
I'm attentive to the world
The more I grow, like an ashamed mother,
Should I let the knot between my dream and hand,
Loosen and come undone? That can't happen
This is clear, when the wind of reality, like a blind fog
Sweeps over the whole world,
Though I'll be just a torn scarecrow, I will stand fast
Though it be just a forsaken autumn night, I can defend it
For the last few days, I haven't been able to concentrate
The small void in my hand feels like trickling water
Everything that was seized in my hand
Perhaps I don't even realize it, I can't put down my pen
Being wary, being scared? I'm worried
Dream. It's an unattainable dream but I have a dream
It's a wavering dream, but I have a dream
It's an abandoned dream, but I have a dream
Live and die for this dream
A dream, the world turned its back on a dream so dishonored
A dream abandoned on the wet ground under a torn umbrella
A dream just thrown out; just a scribble, that's been erased
You say dream, just a word that's been forgotten
But today I'm still dreaming, an unavailing dream
Though I'm in the dark, I'm opening my eyes again
I will never give up, I will never give up. I have a dream
My dream, the dream of a dwarf treading on air
The dream of a blind man grasping the rainbow
The dream of an orphan falling asleep to a sweet lullaby
The dream of a bad son turning back time
My dream, the dream of every mother in the world
My dream, the dream of a mute singing a song out loud
My dream, the dream of a deaf man smiling to the whispers of the one he loves
Dream. It's an unattainable dream but I have a dream
It's a wavering dream, but I have a dream
It's an abandoned dream, but I have a dream
Live and die for this dream
For the last few days, I haven't been able to concentrate
The small void in my hand feels like trickling water
Everything that was seized in my hand
Perhaps I don't even realize it, I can't put down my pen
Being wary, being scared? I'm worried
It's a wavering dream, but I have a dream
It's an abandoned dream, but I have a dream
Live and die for this dream
Just dream. It's an unattainable dream but I have a dream
It's a wavering dream, but I have a dream
It's an abandoned dream, but I have a dream
Live and die for this dream
Yeah, just dream


- still hemorrhages (slightly less than the beginning), ON edema (slightly less in some areas, slightly more in others), and tortuosity (i'll always have tortuous vein though for the rest of my life).
- i used to see floaters superiorly, but now have been seeing them centrally as well.  they look like circular donuts.  i am assuming they are RBCs
- i notice flashes every once in a while and a large floater inferiorly.  i had it checked out but the resident found nothing.
- i notice my enlarged blind spot.  i still see 20/20 and the blind spot is not annoying.  but i do notice it--right eye sees clarity to a large range, whereas left eye sees clarity in a smaller range.

my stomach has been hurting for the past few months.  i am thinking it is due to the aspirin that i took everyday during the summer--sometimes right before i sleep because i forgot to take it earlier.  it feels like something is piercing, sometimes i feel nausea and sometimes i want to throw up.  it hurts most in the morning, but lately it's been hurting at random times of the day.  i upped my dosage of zantac to twice a day.  i think my skin as been at its worst i've ever had.

i feel as though i will get better, but it's stressful thinking about all the doctors appointments i have to go to and make up days i have to do, as well as fitting board's studying.  i do want to finish everything before i graduate, but everything is up to God.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

God can bring peace to your past, purpose to your present, and hope in your future.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Notebook entry in...

Late Nov 2013
Being in water is very much like being in a dream.  Movement is slower and harder to  control.  Even if you want to run, your feet are bound to imaginary sand bags.
I have not taken a bath for about year. 
It's always been quick showers and mind preoccupied by what I am to do next.  But over break, I was able to submerge myself completely into hot water.
I would just lie in the bath water, staring upward.  My face and toes are the only ones popping out of the water.
Steam is dense, visible and extends to the cieling.  I blow some air upward and wait for the undisturbed steam to stir.  It makes rippling swirls a few seconds after a powerful exhale in the light.  It is a waltz.
I like my bathroom light and skylight.  I feel like I am in the clouds.  Light, warm yellow and white...
Toss my head side to side and feel my hair undulating.  Sometimes I hold my breath and submerge completely--letting my face run into my hair.  It's soft and controlled in the water.
What do I think of?  Nothing.  I am being cleansed.  Soaked. Physically, mentally.  Sounds impossible but I think this is how a fish is.  Maybe I do think of things but forget it within seconds.  Like a fish, like a dream.
My body is weightless.  My arms and fingers gently afloat.  My breath is louder underwater.  My toes feel their way to the drain...I prepare for my departure.  'Tok.'  I hear the water rush down the thirsty drain. 
I lay still, submerged in water.
The water moves side to side on its own and gradually feels it's way dorsally.  My body begins to take weight.  I feel coolness at every centimeter the water drains.  My hair glues itself onto my head.  My arms are sinking.  My belly is cold.
'Schl-schlooooop!  Schloop.' The drain drinks the last of the water and I am back.    Heavy. Naked.  Looking up at the remaining steam.
I blow once more and take in the last dance.

I ♡ Nordstrom cafe


Saturday, October 4, 2014

NCBC ladies

Together since third grade...with more and more sisters added to our year...
So thankful for the amazing church leaders who dedicated their free time after work and loved us so selflessly....they definitely shaped us,  helped us make many fond memories--thus forming a long lasting bond.  We still talk and laugh about our childhood even almost twenty years later...
Spring 2014 and todays photo :)

Angels singgg

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Kim Jung Hoon

Despite his parents being deaf and stricken with cancer, they were gifted a son with a beautiful voice.  It reminds me of old time 1930's, 40's?  Warm, comforting.

My new favorite website

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Elon Musk's wife (exwife?) was Mary from Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice.


Monday, September 29, 2014

Building a shed!

Our house is tiny so we are building a temporary shed to hold our stuff.  Then eventually converting garage into a room with lots of closet space. 
Why do we need this closet space?
Is it because there are three women in this family?
Not really...My dad actually has helllaaaa clothes.  He never throws the old ones away and has so many hobbies: his golf clothes, his hiking gear for all four seasons, his summer suit sets, his winter suit sets....My old room is filled with his clothes and I only have two small drawers of my things.  Hahahahah I love my dad.
This is me sticking my head into the cement maker after harvesting some veggies in our backyard (hence the hat). 


I considered wearing false eyelashes for the first time to an outing in SF.
I looked ridiculous.  So I taped it on Sonic. It looked better on him.


I love my mom's cooking.

Dad is back home!

After going to Singapore and making a stop in Japan, dad is finally home.  Can't believe how strong my dad is mentally and physically and spiritually.  This man is almost 60 but he's doing all these business trips.  I am always so thankful to him and God.
My dad....he always brings us something back.  Ever since I could remember, he ALWAYS brought back gifts and it always felt so exciting and special--that he was thinking of us and wanted to bring a piece of his experience to us.  I recall...beautifully illustrated Serendipity books from Europe, Mongolian toy horse made out of Mongolian horse hair, Russian dolls and eggs, cute Korean hair pins, fancy watches (I have at least 6), exclusive Japanese camera cases, to little trinkets and souvenirs. 
This time he brought Japanese crackers and cookies.  We love their packaging so much that the gift is 50% the thrill of unwrapping it and 50% actual gift.  It's literally a work of art!
Ps. Singaporean money is crazy!  Feels like plastic!

Every morning

This guy sneaks into my room and sleeps on the mat or my sweatshirt, then gets super excited when I wake up.  Here is my little donut sleeping and waiting for me to get up.  Please excuse the clutter...still unpacking and organizing.

Linklater's Boyhood

Not my favorite of his, but it was really good.  I love how he uses the same cast as their same character across the years.  Script is always on par.
Made me realize how ridiculously easy I had it growing up...
Watched the movie at the small and old movie theatre in Palo Alto.  I remember watching the indie/european movies with my middle school friends there.  Fond memories :)
Can't believe they still give out free movie posters!

Bryn Mawr

I never regret going to Bryn Mawr because of people like her.  I met my closest and most wonderful friends at Bryn Mawr. 
Author E.B. White's description of the Mawrters always makes me feel magical and special...hehe
" I have known many graduates of Bryn Mawr. They are all of the same mold. They have all accepted the same bright challenge: something is lost that has not been found, something's at stake that has not been won, something is started that has not been finished, something is dimly felt that has not been fully realized. They carry the distinguishing mark – the mark that separates them from other educated and superior women: the incredible vigor, the subtlety of mind, the warmth of spirit, the aspiration, the fidelity to past and to present. As they grow in years, they grow in light. As their minds and hearts expand, their deeds become more formidable, their connections more significant, their husbands more startled and delighted. I once held a live hummingbird in my hand. I once married a Bryn Mawr girl. To a large extent they are twin experiences. Sometimes I feel as though I were a diver who had ventured a little beyond the limits of safe travel under the sea and had entered the strange zone where one is said to enjoy the rapture of the deep."
Thank you!


4 years of studying accumulated to this.

Tinpot Creamery

The lady right in front of me asked for "a couple of eyes for her son." And the ice cream dude stuck on three of these adorable eye-like candy to the mint chocolate ice cream.  It was too cute.
I shyly asked for a pair. 
And I was happy.  The end.

Cantor museum

Even if we haven't seen each other for years, my home church girlfriends and I can always lean on and talk with each other so easily.  All thanks to my wonderful Sunday school teacher who lead us throughout middle school and high school.
An afternoon of free legendary Stanford student food, walking, art, and catching up. Oh..and two fat blisters on each foot!
Before queen Beys single ladies...was Rodain single lads.

Haircut must seem like I'm a dog person..but I really am not.  I mean, I would choose dogs over cats but I do not obsess over dogs like most people do.  I dont go out of my way to pet a cute dog.
I cut his ears today so he could look less like Mozart.  Please excuse my disgusting toe....

Modern calligraphy

Spent $20 on four nibs, two nib holders,, sumi ink, and shipping. 
Spent 4 hours straight just drawing and writing as soon as I received it in the mail.
Love it!

First Lobster roll

Verdict:  CRABS > lobsters

I miss you!

Im useful for once!

Been feeling pretty useless aside from decreasing medical bills by calling insurance all day.  I actually miss work, my patients, my colleagues, my team...
I made my dad a trial frame while he was fixing our LED lightbulb.  He is highly myopic and presbyopic, so to see up close he just takes his glasses off and holds the item five centimeters away from his eyes--barely brushing against his nose!
Thus a mild prescription adjustment does the trick! :)

Closer (excuse his messy bed)

Elizabeth Gamble Garden

One of my favorite places to go is here.  It's a beautiful garden tended by the community and funded by the inheritance of the rich Elizabeth Gamble. They change the plants every season so that plants are always blooming year round and there is a vegetable garden where the Walter Hays elementary school kids help take care of (occasionally you see their adorable handwritten/drawn signs).
I used to tell my mom, whenever we visited, that I wanted to get married at that garden. But I recently found out it only fit 50 people which is an ultra-teeny wedding.
I caught a wedding prep for the first time!

Sunday, September 28, 2014


The other day dad asked where his golf clubs were and panicked.  It wasn't where he usually had it which was by the living room lights and antique table.  I stood up to help him find it but....they were just on the other side of the table........hahah


I seriously think this guy ponders about life.  He asks me to open the backyard door and he just sits and listens.  Looks to the left and right....

When I’m in writing mode for a novel, I get up at 4 am and work five to six hours. In the afternoon, I run for 10 km or swim 1500 m, or do b...