Monday, February 23, 2015

Battle of C/D ratios.

On Saturday I saw a young patient in his teens who had slightly asymmetric cups.

Just as I was about to check him out, the substitute staff doctor says he will take a look at the patient before the patient leaves.  The patient, his mom and dad are in the room as he looks through fundus.  Substitute staff doctor asks me, "What did you get for C/Ds?"

"0.55 round on right, 0.45 on left."

He looks at me.  "What?  Seriously?  No."

I am horrified because it is in front of the patient's parents who are totally hands on with the patient because he is their only child.  The mom even cried at the beginning of the exam because she felt like it was her fault that her child was slightly myopic.  UGH.

The substitute doctor tells me to get behind the slit lamp and assess it again.  He says "It's more like 0.65 and the other is about a 0.3.  This guy needs a glaucoma work up."

I look at it...I mean I guess it could be that big of a I just finish up the chart as what he said, but I leave the right eye as 0.45.

So he has the kid come in for a glaucoma work up.

The kid comes on today on Monday and I do all the freaking work up...then...THEN

Then this other staff doctor comes along and looks the optic nerve.  This Monday staff doctor says, "He has almost symmetrical cups.  It's 0.5 round OD, 0.45 round OS.  Your son does not have glaucoma.  If I were the doctor who saw you on Saturday, I would NOT have made you go through all this.  You don't have any indication of glaucoma."



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