i like to feel his eyes on me when i look away. |
Thanks to Youtube, I found my new favorite movies. I remember my uncle, who is an avid movie collector, told me that I may not like them because it was purely conversation, but I deeply enjoyed the dialogues (Why is there a red squiggly line under the word "dialogues"? ...there it is again!). I guess I'm pretty behind on my movies because:
1. I don't have a TV (which leads to not having access to free movies on tv channels or dvd connection)
2. I'm unemployed, so I can't afford Netflix and such.
In "Before Sunrise," Ethan Hawke's character, Jesse who is a cynical romantic, knew my thoughts exactly.
In "Before Sunset," I could relate with Julie Delpy's character, Celine, a numbed and broken lover.
In my head I kept thinking, you guys are nuts! How do you know that he isn't a murderer? How do you know she doesn't have a mental illness? You two are so lucky.
I could expand on my review on the movies, but I am tired...Script = Parfait.