Sunday, November 19, 2017

Happy One Year Anniversary and Baptism!

Holy moly, I've been married for a whole year!  I can't believe that we hit the one year mark.  Let alone, I still can't believe I am married!  Every month or so, I would tell Alex, "Honey, I can't believe I am married."  And he would look at me, slightly offended and confused, because he believes it and it's very real to him.  But, I can't help it--I just can't believe it sometimes!

It was truly a difficult year, especially for Alex--first year residency, adjusting to each other, moving (twice!), figuring out how to make a home, waiting for jobs, juggling in between jobs, flying back and forth cross-country multiple times, and losing a very precious loved one.  But we made it and I am so incredibly proud of us: finished first year residency, started working at Wills Eye hospital, found a church that we love and are committed to, and finished paying off student loans.

It definitely smoothed out and felt more stable within the past two, three months.  God has been sovereign and good, and time and time again, I am reminded that His plans are much greater than our own.  And I love that.

Year One - Nov 19, 2017

HAHA BTW THIS IS TRUTH!  My sister sent this to me after I told her about being frustrated about Alex taking the dinner leftovers ALL THE FREAKIN TIME.  I would work so hard on the meals, then he would take it for his own lunch the next day and he would innocently tell me, "Honey, we shouldn't eat out as much and pack our own lunches to save money."  WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO EAT THEN, HMMM?? HMMMMMMM??????  I tried to pick a fight with him about it, but he gently diffused the situation by saying that he would pack PBJs and that we can save the leftovers for the next dinner.  *sigh* Thanks honey <3 . I love you, Alex.  Life is so much warmer with you.

Also on this day, I finally got baptized again.  I wanted to since the 9th grade.  I know it's not an excuse, but there were so many moving pieces and big life events in between that time.  But I am so happy to be baptized and declare my Christian faith to the public that Jesus is my Lord and Savior.  Amen, amen, amen!

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