Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Day 64 of no work - Petty Thoughts

1.  Every.single.darn.time I pass by a jar or bagful of pre-peeled garlic, a mini thought battle goes on.  We go through about 5 bulbs a week.
     - This would save me so much time...
     - But you have a lot of time on your hands
     - My fingers won't hurt as much if it is peeled already for me!
     - True, but garlic tastes better straight from the bulb
     - Po-tay-to, po-tah-to, my husband won't notice a difference, besides my hands smell after peeling garlic...
     Somehow the fresh garlic always wins.

2. I love cutting the following:
    - green onions: the fat fresh ones just chop so cleanly
    - kimchi: satisfying bite sized pieces
    - my hair: I feel like a brand new person!

3. The following, not so much:
    - mincing garlic: literally flies everywhere.  is it my mincing technique that sucks or is the knife not of good quality or garlic giving it's last fling before it's ultimately sacrificed for dinner?
    - onions: there is not enough space in the kitchen to do it by the running water.  tears...tears everywhere.
    - my hair: I quickly realize that it is the same haircut I have been having for the past ten plus years.  Guhhh... I really want to try something new and becoming :(
    - lint on my pants: they are the kinds that the sticky tape cant pull off, you literally have the shave off the lint with a razor.  is it my fault that it gets linty or the pants of poor quality?

4. Still waiting for my Pennsylvania license to come in.  During my free time how come I don't maximize it?  How come I would rather fill it with working?  Is it because I have nothing else I want to accomplish?  Nonono... Sandra dig deep!  Excavate and do everything you wanted to do that you have tucked away in a dusty stale place.  Come on!  Let the light shine upon it permanently.

5.  I love listening to different versions of Moon River.  Particularly the jazz and ukulele versions :)

Not so petty thought:

Believe it or not, I had a fat mourning period.  It literally lasted a solid month as soon as I moved to Philadelphia to be with my husband.  I thought it would be easy to move and start a life with the man I love in a city I have lived in before, but I (actually, we both) definitely underestimated it.  It was perhaps one of the most emotionally tumultuous experience I had ever gone through (probably for my poor husband, too).  I felt incredibly unhappy, insecure, and empty for a multitude of reasons.  I did not want to do anything, I was so dissatisfied with where and who I was.  Finally after about one very very difficult month, I am slowly coming out of the hole thanks to daily prayer and quiet time with my husband.

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