Sunday, May 12, 2013

Do you know what I'm talking about?

That smell of refrigerated, hard stick of butter cut with a spoon...

That smell of the AC from the, cool, and strangely wet.
Or an electric fan. Soft mixture of metal, plastic, and a meal from the night before, arriving in succinct waves.

Sound of cicadas.  Have you ever held one in between your fingers?  They are fat and ugly.
Have you heard how loud a cicada is when one lands on your window screen? You can literally smell their mating full and reverberating.  It will travel up your nose and vibrate your little hairs.

The abrupt downpour on asphalt on the hottest day.  Take in deep breaths.
The dusty and cheap gunpowder combustion from sparklers, mini fireworks, and shooters.
The moist soil on the regular morning walks at the park next door.

Pass through the thick humid air and you will know who was there a good ten minutes before
Close eyes and use nose.
Cigarettes, beers, perfumes, shampoo, nervous sweat of a first date.


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