Thursday, June 7, 2018

Early marriage is a battleground in which two families send their best warriors to determine which family’s culture will direct the couple’s lives.

Saturday, June 2, 2018


So my period has been irregular for over a year likely due to pretty bad stress.  But when I look at my optician who works two full time jobs  from 8 am till, at times, 4 am--I'm like, "What stress???"  Occasionally she works for 36 hours straight with a one hour nap in the car.  She says she has to in order to support her two children and herself.  How does she do that?  How can life be so unbelievably hard for some and so ridiculously easy for others? 
I would catch her taking a smoke every so often, but who can blame her?  She needs an outlet...

When you want to go to lunch, but...

I had a 26 year old African patient right before lunch who didnt speak English well and said she had difficulty seeing at a distance even with her thick thick glasses she got prescribed at Wills.  The lenses were poking out like a ledge from her frames.  She said school was on hold bc she couldn't even up close to read.  GAH.  LUNCH IS LITERALLY A HAIR AWAY, RIGHT AT MY FINGERTIPS.  MY PRECIOUS BREAK TIME..!!
I dilated her anyway to relax her eyes.

I'm sure she has amblyopia due to her high hyperopia...but gonna try making her see as best as she can so she can learn and read!!  Ugh, I always take sight for granted, even though I experienced CRVO.  Something as simple as reading is difficult for her even though she has all the potential to learn...

When I’m in writing mode for a novel, I get up at 4 am and work five to six hours. In the afternoon, I run for 10 km or swim 1500 m, or do b...